Tiziano Vecellio Middle School 4th in the finals of "Matematica per Tutti" - Jekko

Tiziano Vecellio Middle School 4th in the finals of “Matematica per Tutti”


An excellent achievement for the 1^A and 3^C classes of Tiziano Vecellio Middle School in Colle Umberto, who placed 4th in the finals of the “Matematica per Tutti” (Mathematics for All) competition held on May 17 and 18, 2024, in Rome.

Jekko, a supporter of the Colle Umberto team, proudly shares this success, which proves the determination and team spirit of these young students. Jekko wishes to encourage young minds to aim higher, not only in the academic field but also in everyday life, gaining essential experiences for their growth and future.

The “Matematica per Tutti” competition, organized by the ToKalon association in collaboration with the board game company CreativaMente, was born from the desire to make mathematics accessible to everyone. The event aims to engage young people through games designed to stimulate and strengthen students’ mathematical and logical skills, including those who do not particularly enjoy the subject.

We want to congratulate the students for their dedication and for competing successfully, achieving 4th place in a competition that saw participation from schools all over Italy. This result is a testament to their hard work and constant commitment, and it represents a great source of pride for the entire school community. Keep up the good work, young mathematicians, the future is in your hands!